Thursday, November 29, 2012

Depth in Graphic Design

For the cover of Beck's album, The Information, the cover of the CD cover was left empty and inside the sleeve were a bunch of stickers. The idea was that the listener could then create his own CD cover based on  his or her feelings about the CD. This creates some interesting results as for as depth and scale is concerned. Mainly because of the overlapping stickers that through their juxtaposition creates the since of depth withing the design. Some of the stickers also creates a sense of depth based on their use of linear perspective as seen in the rectangular structures above, as well as the converging lines of the escalator below. The relative size and familiar size of objects represented on the stickers, also create interesting markers for depth and size, as seen above with the big silhouette of the artist Beck compared to the abstracted renderings of buildings and trees, as well as clouds. This cover was conceptualized by the company Big Active.

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